In my many years of having a professional portrait business, I have been an active member of Professional Photographers of America. Attending seminars and workshops has been one of the most rewarding ways that I have learned my craft. I have earned my Certified Professional Photographer Degree, as well as my Masters Degree in Photography. In order to earn these degrees, I had to create work that illustrated my competency. Here is one of my merited images that helped me earn my Masters Degree. I could never decide which version I preferred, so I will let YOU be the judge this time. 🙂
When I met this man, I knew that he would be a wonderful model to help me create this vision for “THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD.” At one time, there was a Dos Equis commercial that spoofed a refined gentleman that they named “THE MOST INTERESTING MAN IN THE WORLD.” I wanted to do my own version of this for print competition that would be another step toward achieving my Masters Degree.
So I set up my studio. He brought the bourbon and cigar. And then a special thing happened…I clearly remember how special HE made ME feel. He praised my work and my efforts to make sure that everything was JUST RIGHT. Usually, I am the one to make the client feel special and relaxed. But he had a special way of projecting warmth toward others. This was an experience that I will always treasure.
I did enter this in national competition and it did earn a merit in International Photographic Competition on a national scope. I am forever grateful to this endearing man.